The Basics

Orchiectomy is surgery to remove one or both testicles. This procedure is standard for feminizing procedures, including vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty. Orchiectomy can be performed separately and before other bottom surgeries or it can be stacked with other procedures. Of the numerous orchiectomy techniques available, a simple orchiectomy is preferred for patients who are considering vaginoplasty.


Can I get an orchiectomy before a vaginoplasty/vulvoplasty?

Yes. It is common for our patients to pursue an orchitectomy before vaginoplasty.

Can Dr. Jun perform my orchiectomy?

Yes. All orchiectomies are performed under general anesthesia at one of our credentialed hospitals. This is a quick procedure that typically takes a couple hours and requires no post-operative hospitalization time or post-operative appointments.

Can I get an orchiectomy and vaginoplasty/vulvoplasty at the same time?

Yes, it is possible. This can be discussed with Dr. Jun in a consultation.

What kind of orchiectomy technique is preferred if Iā€™m planning for vaginoplasty?

If you are planning for a vaginoplasty, we recommend a simple orchiectomy. We do not recommend an inguinal orchiectomy.

Can insurance cover my orchiectomy?

Please refer to our insurance resource page

Do I need letters of support for an orchiectomy?

Yes, as an orchiectomy is considered bottom surgery. This requirement is especially important for patients who are looking for insurance to cover this procedure. For guidance on letters, please refer to our letter resource page.

I want Dr. Jun to perform my orchiectomy. How do I get started?

Email our team at and express your interest in this procedure. Given that an orchiectomy is a simpler and shorter procedure than other procedures Dr. Jun performs, all wait times for registration, consultation, and surgery are shorter.